Social bookmarking is a necessary organizational tool for anyone who is interactive on the Web. As one expands and extents his or her knowledge base and resources, information such as articles, sites, blogs, etc. must be catalogued in an efficient manner. Tagging allows the data to be stored in the proper categories for further reference. The “social” component to the bookmarking function is the ability to share data with others who may have that interest.
After minimal exposure to the various sites, it is evident that trade professionals, educators, researchers, businesses, and merchants were all seeking efficiency and effectiveness in terms of reaching their target market or audience. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a vital part of online marketing and the above mentioned have vested in performance as evidenced by traffic indicators such as Alexa and Feedjah.
Seemingly generic, this site gave perspective on the widespread accessibility of social bookmarking. I would often see articles with those Digg or Reddit or Stumbleupon but had neither time nor energy for a leisurely investigation. One essential connector is to link the social bookmarking site with Twitter for easy access to information and organization.
This rather extensive collection of social bookmarking sites is an invaluable resource. The page list the site, tells the benefits of that site’s functions, and who their audience is by participation. The top ten list social bookmarking sites are listed and then other prominent ones appear in alphabetical order. As a virtual novice in familiarity with social bookmarking, the expansive field on the home page showed the vast potential and attraction this tool has to merchants and entrepreneurs on the internet.
A purely educational site, the chart is quite useful to teachers who are seeking means by which they may use social bookmarking not only as a skill for research and technological function, but for actual pedagogical ends. Teachers can organize their online resources in several ways that will reflect the course in higher order thinking but also in meaningful and challenging. The class network will take on whatever dimension the instructor wishes as the framework forces a change in though about material in other ways that are not linear. The interaction will generate much deeper connections to the text (with regard to literature) and with peers. The teacher will have a much stronger impact over the course of the study and the students will gain developed understanding via peer to peer and peer to teacher engagement.
The sugary lead-in accompanied by the astronomical value put on social networks such as Myspace and Youtube creates immediate interest in the business aspect to the advent of social bookmarking. This author discusses the approach all online merchants seem to share: lowering the cost of direct marketing and reaching more potential buyers. What businesses attempt to do is to use certain search engines by tagging key terms relevant to goods and services offered. These tags then redirect the flow of “traffic” to online sites at no cost to the vendor. The article clarifies the need for the interconnectedness needed on the Internet. The blog an individual has can be tagged if the discussion mentions a certain product, thus the relevant traffic will be redirected toward the blog site getting the online searcher what they want and the blog master what they desire.
As a teacher-friendly site, offers the educator’s perspective on the whole social bookmarking development. The “tagging” concept is explained in a practical way so that its value to class endeavors can emerge. A most valuable asset is the networking feature of sharing as well as the efficiency of only collecting what is needed. Also provided are some specialty sites that would appeal to the progressive teacher in pursuit of specific information.
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